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Are you buying Quality paddy Seeds?

Seed Selection:

A Step-by-Step Guide for Selecting Good – Quality Paddy Seeds and Their Importance

In good quality seeds, the development of the root system will be more efficient that aids the absorption of nutrients efficiently, and results in higher yield.

Good quality seeds of improved varieties ensure a higher yield.

Seed is the basic foundation of any crop. It must be grown, harvested, and processed correctly for the best yield and quality results. Good quality seeds lead to lower seed rate, better emergence (>70%), more uniformity, less replanting, and vigorous early growth which helps to increase resistance to insects and diseases and decrease weeds. 

In this article, we will discuss the importance of selecting good quality paddy seeds and how to select them. 

Importance of good quality seeds

Selection of good quality seeds

Seed selection plays an important role in paddy cultivation. There are a variety of factors to consider while selecting a rice variety:

Methods for Separation of Quality Seeds

To separate good seeds from bad, soak them in water and the unviable seeds will float on the surface of the water. These seeds can be easily removed and the seeds that sink can be used for cultivation. By this method, damaged seeds can easily be removed. One of the other methods is used when there is an excess of chaffy grain in the seed stock. Take some water into a vessel and drop an egg in it. Keep adding salt slowly till the egg reaches the surface. 

When the seeds are dropped into the water, the good-quality seeds will sink. Remove the unviable seeds that float on the surface of the water. Wash the selected seeds in good water 2–3 times to remove the salt deposits. If this is not done, the germination capacity of the seeds will be affected

Germination test

The germination test is considered the most important quality test for evaluating the planting value of a seed lot. The test is designed to measure the ability of seeds to produce normal seedlings. The various ways of performing a germination test are listed below:

Take a wet gunny bag, fold it, put the seeds in between the two layers, and keep the bag in the dark for a day. Check the germination the next day.

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