Rice blast
The pathogen cause yield loss ranging from 30-61 per cent depending upon the stage of infection. In severe cases, losses amounting to 70-80 per cent of grain yield are reported.
The fungus attacks the crop at all stages from seedlings in nursery to heading in main field. The typical symptoms appear on leaves, leaf sheath, rachis, nodes and even the glumes are also attacked.

Types of blast ; leaf blast , node blast, neck blast
Leaf blast node blast neck blast
Favourable Conditions Application of excessive doses of nitrogenous fertilizers,
intermittent drizzles, cloudy weather, high relative humidity (93-99 percent), low night temperature between 15-20 0C or less than 26 0C),more number of rainy days, longer duration of dew, cloudy weather, slow wind movement and
availability of collateral hosts.
Preventive methods
Use of seeds from a disease free crop ¾ Grow resistant varieties like Simhapuri, Tikkana, Sriranga, Phalguna, Swarnadhan, Swarnamukhi,
¾ Remove and destroy the weed hosts in the field bunds and channels. ¾ Split application of nitrogen and judicious application of nitrogenous fertilizers
¾ Treat the seeds with Captan or Thiram or Carbendazim or Carboxin or Tricyclazole at 2 g/kg. ¾ Seed treatment with biocontrol agent Trichoderma viride@ 4g/kg or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10g/kg of seed. Avoid close spacing of seedlings in the main field.
¾ Spray the nursery with Carbendazim 25 g or Edifenphos 25 ml for 8 cent nursery.
Curative methods
Spray the main field with
Technical name | Trade name | Dosage |
Tricyclazole@0.06 | Merger, beam | |
Thiophanate Methyl@0.1%. | Roko, therapy | |
Carbendazim@0.1 | Saaf, carbendizim | 3 g / litre |
Edifenphos@0.1% | ||
Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP | Upl Saaf Fungicide | 3g / litre |
Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin 75 WG(50% +25% w/w) | Bayer Nativo Fungicide | |
Fluopyram 17.7%+ Tebuconazole17.7% w/w SC (400 SC) | Luna Experience Fungicide |
Buy Tricyclazole : https://tlministries.co.in/product/tricyclazole-75-wp/
Buy Nativo : https://tlministries.co.in/product/nativo-fungicide/
Buy Saaf : https://tlministries.co.in/product/upl-saaf-fungicide/
Buy Carbendazim : https://tlministries.co.in/product/bavistin/
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