Defoliation decreases yield by reduction of plant photosynthesis, reduced light interception, reduction of stored dry matter caused by leaf area loss and reduction of the filling period
Septoria leaf spot is caused by fungus,in recent years it is mostly distructive defoilage disease in tomato field it is mostly seen in areas like wet ,humid etc…
Septoria leaf spot in tomato

- Small, round to irregular spots with a grey center and dark margin on leaves Spots usually starts on lower leaves and gradually towards upwards Spots can be combine and appeared as blighted and Complete defoliation of leaves takes place
- In favourable conditions the disease can spread gradually from leaves to branches and to stems in rare cases it can spread to fruit also
Favourable conditions
- Poor vigour of plants due to nutrient inadequacy or in late season
- High humidity or persistent dew at 250 C
- Moist weather with intermittent showers
- Crop rotation with non hosts
- Destroy infected crop debris
- remove affected plants
- improve air circulation around the crop
- Do not allow water overhead
- Mulching practices should be fallowed

- Mancozeb or zineb@2g/kg seed
- Spray zineb@0.2% or mancozeb@0.2% at 10 days interval
- spraying of copper based fungicides and antibiotic
***వేరే రైతు సోదరులకు చేరవేయు**
Ch Madhu | Business Analyst | B.Sc Agriculture | Rythu Agro Market LLP | mobile: +91 8465922591 | email: madhu.ch@rythuagro.in | website: www.rythuagro.in |
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