The leaves of the plant are seen folded, rolled and often webbed together with white patches on them indicating the areas fed by caterpillar. When such folded leaves are opened up, larvae can be seen. |

Leaf folder in paddy
Leaf folder leaf roller: Cnaphalocrocis mainsails / Marasmia patnalis |
The pest causes more loss at boot leaf stage. Pale yellowish green larvameasuring 16-20 mm long becomes full grown in 15-27 days.
Nature of damage
The larva folds 3-4 leaves of young plants feeding from within. In grown up plants, it folds leaf longitudinally from tip downwards bringing together the margins with silken threads, lives in tubes thus formed feeding on chlorophyll.
Symptom of damage

- Whitish membranous folded leaves with typical white streaks
- Faecal pellets when leaf opened Reduced vigour of the plant
favourable conditions
- Cloudy weather with low sunlight favours pest build-up
- It occur in all rice environments and
- more abundant during the rainy seasons.
- They are commonly found in shady areas and areas
Management of leaf folder
It is better to manage effectively the first generation of the pest to prevent the build up of the population at boot leaf stage.
Cultural method
- Earliest clipping of infested, folded leaf tips
- Removal of alternative hosts Echinocloa spp., and Panicum spp., and other grasses

- Passing a rope 2-3 times over the crop at tillering stage mechanically to dislodge caterpillars
- Biological controlThe ichneumonid, Xanthopimpla emaculata is parasitic on the pest larvae
Chemical control based on economic threshold levels
ETL : 1 larva/hill 2 damaged leaves/hil
Technical name | Trade name | Dosage |
chlorpyriphos | Tricel power, sapphire | 2 ml / litre |
Acephate | 1.5 to 2 ml per litre | |
Cartap hydrochloride | Caldan 50 sp | 300 gms per acre |
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