Morphology & identification
Female | Male |
The female moth has bright yellowish brown fo rewings with a clear single black spot and the anal end having tuft of yellowish hair | The male is pale yellow and the spots on the forewings are not conspicuous. Male is smaller thanfemale. |

- Eggs are laid near the tip on the upper surface of tender leaf in small masses, covered with a felt like buff coloured mass of hair and scales
egg mass at leaf tip
Favorable conditions
- ★ Cold weather, high humidity and
- low temperature in October-December are favourable
- ★High nitrogen
Nature of damage
- ★Newly hatched larvae which are pale white with dark brown head and prothoracic
- ★shield, move downward and wander about on plant surface for 1-2 hours. They hang
- ★down by silk thread, get blown off to other clumps or land on water, swim freely and get
- ★to the plants. They enter leaf sheath and feed on green tissues for 2-3 days, then bore into the stem near nodal region to feed

Symptom of damage
- ★“Dead-heart” at vegetative stage which turns brownish, curls and dries off “White ears” at heading stage with empty, partially filled grains Presence of egg masses near the tips of tender leaf bladesActivity of moths in the vicinity Frass at the feeding site

Dead hearts at white ears at panical stage
Vegetative stage
Cultural methods
- Harvesting of crop close to soil surface, ploughing or flooding the field after harvest to kill hibernating larvae in the stubbles
- Clipping the tips of the seedlings prior to transplantation aids in the elimination of egg masses
- Setting light traps or pheromone traps for monitoring the pest
- Collection and elimination of egg masses
Biological control
Egg parasitoids : : : | Tetrastichus schoenobii, Telenomus beneficiens, Trichogramma chilonis, T.japonicum, |
Larval parasitoids: | Goniozus indicus, Apanteles ruficrus, A. schoenobii, Bracon chinensis |
Pupal parasitoids | Elasmus albopictus, Tetrastichus ayyari, Xanthopimpla emaculata |
Predator | a carabid, Chlaenius sp. |
Chemical methods
Need based application of insecticides on ETL basis
Nursery : 1 egg mass or 1 moth / m2• Main crop : 1 egg mass or 1 moth / m2, 5% dead head 1% white ears
- 5 days before pulling the nursery application of carbofuran 3G @ 200 g/cent of nursery in a little water (seedling root-dip not required)(or)
- Foliar sprays with monocrotophos 1.6 ml/l or chlorpyriphos 2.0 ml/l at 10 and 17 DAS
Technical | Trade name | Dosage |
Carbofuran 3 G | Fertera, | 200 g |
Monocrotophos | Monostar, monokem | 1.6 ml/ little |
Chlorpyriphos | Sapphire, | 2 ml / litre |
Main field
Technical name | Trade name | Dosage |
Cartap hydrochloride | Caldan 50 sp, sumi taz, | 3 GM / LITRE |
Acephate | ||
Chlorpyriphos | Sapphire, tricel power, | 2 ml / litre |
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