Pexalon, CHESS, and Thiamethoxam
BPH is a small brown insect found mainly on the base of rice plants above the water level. Adults and young suck the plant sap from leaf sheathes, causing yellowing of lower and then upper leaves.
Favourable conditions
- Brown plant hopper [BPH] pest is favoured by
- moist, humid and warm conditions,
- staggered paddy planting,
- presence of ratoons from the previous paddy crop and
- high doses of urea.
- Planthoppers can be a problem in rainfed and in irrigated wetland environments.
Identification of pest
Eggs | Nymphs | Adults |
Eggs are thrust within parenchymatous tissues of the plant along the midrib of leaves in bunches of 2-12 eggs, | Brownish nymph undergoes five instars during a nymphal period of 10-18 days. | Adults are ochraceous –brown dorsally and deep brown ventrally |

Nature of damage
- Both nymphs and adults suck sap from basal portion of plant clustering at the base of rice clump
- They inject toxic saliva while feeding which results in “hopper burn”.
Symptom of damage
- Premature yellowing of leaves and drying of plants in isolated circular patches
- Drying of plants spreads in a circular fashion
- Sooty mould
- Exuviae at the base of plants
- Affected stems turn soft and are unfit for use as straw economic threshold limi
Cultural practices
- Formation of alleys or pathways of 20 cm width for every 2 metres of planting to facilitate aeration, light, basal spraying, monitoring and other farm operations.
- Draining the field during the middle of the season to suppress the pest population
- Maintain field sanitation.
- Avoid indiscriminate use of insecticide, which destroys natural enemies.
- Growing resistance varieties

2. biological control
Spider : Lycosa pseudoannulata
Mirid bug : Cyrtorhinus lividipennis
Aquatic bug : Gerris tristan
Coccinellids : Coccinella arcuata
Egg parasitoids : Anagrus sp., Oligosita sp.,
Nymphal and Adult parasitoid: Haplogonatopus orientalis
3.Botanicals or biopesticids
- When the pest population is about 3-5 insects/hill, botanicals may be preferred.
- Use of neem oil @ 5 ml/L with 2 ml liquid detergent as spray covering both the
- foliage and the base of the plants can act as an insect growth regulator and
- reduce the egg laying capacity of females significantly,
- infestation is below ETL application of Bio-insecticides like 5% Neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) or commercial neem formulation containing Azadirachtin1500 ppm @ 2.5ml/ litre of water
4. Chemical control based on ETLs
Tillering stage : 10 hoppers / Hill -WBPH dominates during vegetative phase
Heading stage : 20-25/Hill-BPH dominates from PI stage.
The foliar spray should be directed towards the base of the crop and it has to be repeated again after 7-10 days on need basis.
Technical name | Trade names | Dosage |
Ethiprole 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG | Glamore | 50-60 gm / acre |
Clothianidin 50% WDG | DANTOSTU | 0.25 – 0.50 Gm / Liter of water |
Pymetrozine 50% WG | Chess- syngenta Pymetro-hpm Apply-dhanuka Mahir- | 120 gms per acre |
Thiamethoxam 25 WG | Actara- syngenta Areva-dhanuka Theme-megamani | 100 gms per acre |
(3).Dinotefuran 20% SG@ | Osheen Safari Senpai Token | 100-150 gms / acre |
Triflumezopyrim | Pexalon | 100 ml / litre |
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